360 Campaign Strategy
Bra launch campaign 2019
Agency The Brooklyn Brothers
Role Lead Designer / Art Direction
Lululemon approached The Brooklyn Brothers with a brief that would help them with their new bra launch campaign. These aren’t your regular bras. Lululemon have revolutionize how women perceive and wear bras. They literally hired a team of “Boob scientists” to research on boobs. They have found out that not only does every woman’s boobs are different, they also moves differently. Heck, even within a pair of boobs, they can be different, too.
We’ve come up with a couple of great ideas and the client love them so much they ran with both. And mind you, we’ve used up every single chance to throw a boob pun into our language. It’s a really fun project that I get to play with a lot of colors and technique, so I hope you guys likes it, too.
*I was involved in this project in the creative conceptual pitch. We won the business and all the live assets are produced by lululemon’s internal team.
Cultural “scripts” have dominated bras and boobs conversations for decades, creating oversexualized stereotypes and false representations. In this concept, we celebrate a simple truth and confront conventions and provoke conversations.
Guess what?
Boobs move.
Really, we checked.
In fact, they move all the time, all day long. Yet for some reason, it just isn’t talked about. Society prefers boobs that stay in their place. Maybe that’s why our bras are sooooo uncomfortable. Most bras are designed for size and shape. But not movement? That’s crazy! Even sports bras do all they can to keep boobs from moving. Also crazy! Sure, too much movement can hurt. But too little hurts more. It’s time for the whole world to recognize that boobs DO move. And that every woman’s boobs move in their own wonderful way.
It’s time to start a movement for our boobs’ movement.
It’s time to make the world a better place, two boobs at a time.
It’s time to stand up and say...
By making it okay – actually, fun! – to talk about the way boobs move, we’ll get women everywhere to rethink what a bra should be. We’re going to use bright colors, bold graphics, stylized sets, fun handmade elements, moving parts, and neon lights. Real women of different shapes and sizes showing off the way they move. Plus visual metaphors for boobs, creating “boob worlds” using theatrical sets and design. The platform colors will be bold and fun, adding a modern and youthful energy. They are inspired by colors of the SP19 palette, but dialed up to make a statement. The signature Lululemon red will still be one of the key colors.
Art Direction & Visual Elements
These images are for moodboard purposes only. Not to be use anywhere.
We’re going to use bright colors, bold graphics, stylized sets, fun handmade elements, moving parts, and neon lights.
These images are for moodboard purposes only. Not to be use anywhere.
Real women of different shapes and sizes showing off the way they move.
Plus visual metaphors for boobs, creating “boob worlds” using theatrical sets and design.
To kick things off...
Let’s drive conversation around what’s wrong with bras, with a series of wildpostings / social posts…
Window Displays
We’ll wallpaper store windows with the posters, in the days before launch.
We’ll wallpaper store windows with the posters, in the days before launch.
Guests can peel off the posters to reveal the answer underneath: Boobs Move!
And then, it’s showtime...
If Boobs Move, so should our window displays.
Let’s transform our windows into stages for live performances, putting moving boobs in the spotlight.
Each show will be a must-see (and share) spectacle. Since the performers would wear lululemon bras, they would unforgettably demonstrate the product in action.
For example, we’ll have two trapeze artists swinging from hoops - evoking the movements of a woman’s real boobs.
We’ll set up a salon-style wall covered in framed paintings of (motionless) female nudes throughout art history. In front, a female juggler wearing a lululemon bra will juggle a series of boob balls of various shapes and sizes.
Powered by movement
We’ll create a display full of moving boob sculptures, like a cuckoo clock. (Or Boob Goldberg.)
They’ll move, bounce and roll – and it’s all powered by a real woman on a stationary bike. The more she moves, the more they do.
Even in Tier 2 and 3 stores our windows should be show-stopping declarations. We’ll mix styles, colors, bold type, and lights to celebrate the ways real boobs move.
Tier 2 window display, showing mannequins in different positions around 3D Boobs Move sign and colorful props that resembles boobs.
Tier 3 window display, showing hanging bras and boob-alike items.
Now let’s get some stares in-store, too!
With the in-store vertical display, let’s make the bra section feel like a mini dance party. Try one on and get moving!
(A quick tangent on Signature Movement)
We’d like to make the “butterfly” visual a customizable piece of content, as bold and colorful as everything else in the campaign. Imagine if you could choose your brush, color, and background. Making your Signature Movement a reflection of your personality as well as your movement.
Starting the boob conversation
Telling a stranger about your boobs? Awwwwkward. We want guests to feel like they’re in a place where they can say anything, and do anything. No judgements. The more they share, the better we can fit them.
Even the tags will move.
(With lenticular printing)
And tell the bigger story.
Taking the story to the streets via BoobsMobile
Let’s create a traveling BoobsMobile where women can hop on a treadmill, get their boobs moving, and receive their customized, shareable Signature Movement. Then get fitted for the best lululemon bra for them. We’ll have colorful backdrops so they can show off their new moves on social along with their Signature Movement. We’ll take the BoobsMobile to community events like marathons, SeaWheeze and Ghost Race.
Art Direction / Visual Element
Every visual will have a simple prop (or 2) that tells part of the story in a fun and visual way.
Here are some examples:
These images are for moodboard purposes only. Not to be use anywhere.
For evergreen content, we’d like to capture a series of short, visual scenes featuring women on theatrical sets, wearing lululemon bras.
Each set will have a design that visually evokes boobs in motion. While the women themselves will be moving in ways that demonstrate the comfort and support their bras provide. We’ll capture plenty of closeups showing the fabric acting a second skin, too. Whether in social, digital or instore, each will reinforce the message, “Boobs Move. It’s time for bras that move with them.”
Two trapeze artists swinging on hoop trapezes.
A woman juggling boob-shaped balls
A woman riding a bicycle with tires styles like boobs
Two women sitting on opposite sides of a boob see-saw
A woman lounging on a boob-shaped waterbed
Two women stretching on boob-shaped yoga balls
These images are for moodboard purposes only. Not to be use anywhere.
And let’s sell some bras!
Paid Social : What Boobs Do
Open on closeups of diverse women on a colorful set.
They’re each wearing a lululemon bra, each moving in her own way.
A super appears over each image.SUPERS:
HOP QUAKE GLIDEWe pull out to reveal all the women standing and moving together
LOGO: lululemon
Paid Social: Perfect Boobs
We open on a colorful set, where we see a nude Roman statue. A real woman, wearing a lululemon bra, steps into frame and looks at the statue. She matches the pose.
PERFECT BOOBSThe woman shakes her shoulders and starts letting loose.SUPER:
MOVEShe begins to dance.
THE PERFECT BRA MOVES, TOOCut to a group of women in lululemon bras, moving freely and confidently.
Paid Social: A bra should
We see diverse women on a colorful set, wearing bras that are obviously uncomfortable. The camera moves around them in stop-motion style, cutting in to close-ups of the women pulling at their straps, adjusting the cups, etc. A super appears over each image.
Paid Social: Product Focused
(Like Nothing Bra)
Open on a young woman on a colorful set, with a backdrop and props that signify “home.” She’s getting dressed for work, but wearing only a lululemon Like Nothing bra on top.
She puts on her shoes and “walks” out the door – actually walking in place as the backdrops and props change around her.
The changing backdrops represent her whole day in seconds. Walking on the street, into her office, to lunch, into a meeting, out of her office, back down the street, and finally back home.
She kicks off her shoes, but keeps her bra on as she settles down on her couch. Looking as comfortable and energized as she did at the start of her day.
Cut to a closeup of her bra, like a second skin on her body.
SUPER: LIKE NOTHING by lululemon
Coming to an inbox near you...
Email for Like Nothing Bra
Email for Overall Bra
Website: Overall bra line
Engaging Everyone
Society has made us all believe there’s something wrong with boobs that move. If they bounce, they’re sexualized. Or infantilized. “Polite” boobs stay in their place. Well, we’ve had enough.
Real boobs move!
And we’re not dancing around it anymore.
We’re starting a movement to celebrate our boobs’ movement. We’ll ask women everywhere to join us and say, #MyBoobsMove! Deal with it, world.
We’ll kick it off with influencers and Ambassadors. We’ll ask women in all fields – actresses, artists, comediennes, musicians, politicians, fitness instructors, CEOs, choreographers – to share short videos declaring “My Boobs Move!”
# MyBoobsMove
What they do next is up to them. How do they celebrate the way they move? With a dance? A pose? A joke? A song? A real-life story? A painting?
There are no rules to how you move your boobs. (Though we’ll encourage everyone to show their whole bodies, not just their boobs.)
Each video ends with challenging a friend. “That’s how my boobs move, now show me yours.”
See this campaign IRL
(campaign was produced by lululemon’s internal creative team)
Produced by lululemon. Source: Instagram/lululemon
Boobaloon wall at the Seawheeze event! Photo credit to @kimberlynovosel | Produced by lululemon
Fun “Boob Love” signage - produced by lululemon | Source: Instagram/lululemon